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Boulder School of Fine Art north studio classroom

The Boulder School of Fine Art

Boulder • New Bedford • Lakewood
Began May 1, 2016

We keep growing.

Classical Art

April through June

Raz Seri's Boulder School of Fine Art's curriculum of classical drawing and painting is modeled on the Florence Academy of Art program of study.​ Students have the option of taking classes for the entire Spring Term or by the month.

Learn how to draw using classical techniques in our ongoing and individually paced foundational academic course.


Taught by Florence Academy of Art graduate and BSoFA founder Raz Seri and classically trained Ben Harden.​

For beginning to advanced students. Monthly and trimester long enrollment options available.

Tuesdays 5:30-8

Fridays 1-3:30

Saturdays 9:30-12

display of plaster casts and student drawings

Make a copy of a favorite painting or drawing by an artist you admire with the help of Raz Seri.​

For beginning to advanced students.



Fridays 1-3:30

Saturdays 9:30-12


Draw a nude model over multiple sessions using French Academy methods in BSoFA's studio in Boulder and our new campus in Lakewood with Raz Seri.

Boulder studio

6 Saturdays 1-4 May 17-June 21 

Lakewood studio

6 Sundays April 20-May 22

6 Sundays June 8-July 13​


The Classical Portraiture course teaches students how to draw a likeness of the model using classical French Academy techniques in BSoFA's inspiring natural north light studio with BSoFA founder and artistic director, Raz Seri


6 Saturdays 1-4 Apr 5-May 10

model posing for portraiture class

Enhance your drawing technique with greater understanding of human anatomy basics by studying the Bridgman approach to drawing the figure. Taught by BSoFA instructor, Ben Harden.

Artistic Anatomy

April-June Wednesdays from 5-5:55

George Bridgman sketching

Make a series of sketches each night exploring movement, contour while gaining confidence in mark making with the guidance of Ben Harden


April, May and June Wednesdays from 6-8



Learn how to paint an abstract version of a landscape from photo reference and sketches without fear. By Chad Church

6 Saturdays 10:30-12:30 Apr 5, 12, 19, 26 and May 3 and 10



Explore artistic styles and techniques by painting copies of art from iconic art movements and eras. By Monica Maldonado


June Thursdays 4:30-6 SURREALISM


Dive into the wet world of watercolor and explore its unique qualities and challenges. For new and continuing students.


By Ninel Senatorova

​April Watercolor  Tuesdays 4:30-6:30

June Watercolor Tuesdays 4:30-6:30


watercolor painting

Ben Harden helps students get started painting in oils. Learn about values, mixing colors and how to draw with a brush. 


Winter/Spring 2025 Intro to Oil Painting

Apr,il May and June Sundays 1-3

Ben Harden with student

Bring your favorite phone pic of a loved one and make it into a lovely painting of the family's favorite pet and have it ready for Mother's Day and/or Father's Day.​ All pets and fans are welcome

By Raz Seri


Friday, May 9 3:30-5:30

Lakewood studio_edited.jpg

Gouache is an opaque watercolor loved for it's matte finish and wonderful color by illustrators for generations.  Learn how to pronounce "gouache" and how to use it in this fun and interesting painting class.

By Ninel Senatorova

May Tuesdays 4:30-6:30

June Wednesdays 2-4

Gouache painting


Join Ben Harden as he teaches beginners how to draw in the way renowned illustrator Loomis ​approaches drawing heads, and  faces and so much more.


April-June  Sundays from 3:30-5



By Leah Trumble

Leah shows the best apps and more in BSoFA's first digital drawing class


April, May and June Thursdays from 6-8

Digital design on a tablet


By Jeanne Kipke

:earn how to draw using charcoal and colored pencils.

May-June  Thursdays from 2-4

Jeannes bird.jpg

By Leah Trumble

Enjoy the creative journey of illustrating a children's book! Leah will give students feedback and guidance as they use colored pencils, markers and paint to make that children's book they've been dreaming of.

May-June Sundays 10:30-12:30

children's book illustration

By Ninel Senatorova


Celebrate and enjoy the power of ink! Ninel Senatorova will share her love of the dipping pen and brush. Exploration of the properties of ink drawing are guided by Ninel Senatorova. 

April Wednesdays 2-4


By Ninel Senatorova

Make time to explore the mix of drawing and painting in this multimedia course. Ninel will share her love of the contrast of watercolor and ink drawing and help students learn how to use the two different mediums

May Wednesdays 2-4

ink and water color

By Fuki Funakoshi

Fuki guides her students through tricks and tips to creating and inking illustrations and characters using ink.

April-June Saturdays from 1:30-3:30


Empower yourself.
Learn, practice and grow with BSoFA

© 2025 by Boulder School of Fine Art

2810 Wilderness Place Suite B | 303-819-5923 |

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